Resource Kit: "How Positive Mental Health Builds Stronger Companies"
HR Leader

Resource Kit: "How Positive Mental Health Builds Stronger Companies"

Mental health is a vital aspect of overall well-being and significantly influences workplace wellness. With the evolving work environment and the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's more crucial than ever for employers to actively support employee wellness.

Date Published:
May 4, 2022

Resource Kit: "How Positive Mental Health Builds Stronger Companies"


Mental health is a vital aspect of overall well-being and significantly influences workplace wellness. With the evolving work environment and the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's more crucial than ever for employers to actively support employee wellness.

The Link Between Mental Health and Workplace Wellness:

  • Employee Burnout and Productivity: The pandemic has exacerbated issues like burnout, absenteeism, and reduced productivity. A study revealed that 50% of employees had left jobs due to mental health reasons.[1]
  • Impact of Anxiety and Depression: Anxiety disorders can lead to 8-24 missed workdays per employee annually, with "presenteeism" (reduced productivity) adding up to 12-26 partial disability days for anxiety and another 11-25 for depression.[2][3]
  • Diverse Talent Retention: Younger employees, women, and individuals from marginalized groups often face the brunt, making mental health a key factor in diverse talent recruitment and retention.[4]
  • Global Impact: Mental health issues are now the leading cause of disability, especially in lower-resource countries.[5]

Beyond Diagnosis:

  • Flourishing vs. Functioning: The absence of a diagnosed mental disorder doesn't equate to flourishing. Employees value a supportive wellness environment, which in turn impacts their performance and satisfaction.[1]
  • Openness and Support: Creating an open, supportive environment around mental health is crucial. Employees who feel supported report fewer symptoms, higher job satisfaction, and a positive perception of their employers.[1]

Employer's Role:

  • Promoting Mental Wellness: Encouraging open conversations about mental health and providing tailored wellness opportunities are essential.
  • Shamiri Health's Solution: We offer employers a comprehensive solution to support all employees, not just those with diagnosed mental health issues, through personalized wellness tools and therapies.


By prioritizing mental health, employers can strengthen their companies, enhance resilience, and improve overall workplace productivity and satisfaction.


  1. Kelly Greenwood and Julia Anas, Harvard Business Review: It’s a New Era for Mental Health at Work.
  2. Dan Chisholm et al., The Lancet Psychiatry: Scaling-up treatment of depression and anxiety.
  3. Chisholm et al., “Scaling-up.”
  4. Greenwood and Anas, “New Era.”
  5. “Global Disability,” The Economist: Global Disability.

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